Common Questions and General Information
WHAT IS A treatment?
Is chiropractic care only for adults?
Can I adjust myself?
Should I be adjusted if I’m sick?
What research has been done on chiropractic?
Is it true that once you start chiropractic care you have to continue for the rest of your life?
Why won’t my medical doctor refer me to a chiropractic doctor?
Can chiropractic help painful bone spurs?
Are there any risks in seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy?
Can a person who has had spine or back surgery see a chiropractor?
How expensive is chiropractic care?
I have a good reason not to see a CHIROPRACTOR, don’t I?
Is there a scientific basis to chiropractic?
Should I visit a medical doctor before I make an appointment?
Are chiropractors well educated?
Do you offer nutrition or other medical advice?
How many people see chiropractors in Canada?
Haven’t found the ‘A’ to your ‘Q’?
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The word “chiropractic” comes from ancient Greek and means “done by hand.”
Adjustment of the joints of the body has been used in health care for many centuries and is at the heart of modern chiropractic care.
Chiropractors are specialists in manual adjustment of the vertebrae of the spine and other joints. Adjustment helps relieve pain and restore normal functioning to the spine, joints and supporting structures of the body – so you can enjoy your everyday activities again as quickly as possible.
Chiropractors are also trained to prescribe therapeutic exercise, provide nutritional counselling, and recommend rehabilitation and injury prevention strategies.
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WHAT IS A treatment?
A treatment (used synonymously with 'adjustment') is a highly skilled and precise movement usually applied by hand to a joint of the body. Adjustments free up the joint to restore proper movement and optimize function.
A treatment or adjustment is a therapeutic procedure that uses a direction and a force that is gentle and precise to restore function and mobility to a joint. The adjustment is customized to the patient and the patient’s condition with the aim to restore and heal the conditions which are troublesome to the patient, or interfering with the expression of health. At all times the patient’s comfort and safety are paramount and healing progresses at the patient’s rate of improvement.
Chiropractic adjustment techniques have been researched extensively. Complications are rare and side-effects, such as temporary soreness, are usually minor. Your chiropractor will determine if your problem will respond to chiropractic care or if you require referral to another health care provider.
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how does chiropractic work?
Doctors of chiropractic examine your spine and body joints, locate and treat subluxations using gentle chiropractic spinal adjustments that skillfully and carefully assist the body to move the vertebrae and joints into normal position. Chronic subluxations may take frequent adjustments to retrain the body to hold the vertebrae and joints in their normal, non-irritating positions.
Chiropractors locate and remove neurological short-circuits within the body, called subluxations, which interfere with or prevent the nerve system from properly managing the body’s health. A subluxation is the term used by doctors of chiropractic to describe the misalignment of bones, joints and muscles that result in nerve pressure or irritation, causing symptoms of dysfunction, discomfort or pain.
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when should i see a chiropractor?
Eight out of ten Canadians will experience back pain at some point in their life, and at least one third of people in Ontario will have back pain at any given time. For many people, the pain can keep them away from work, school or even their day-to-day activities. If pain causes interruptions and restrictions in the activities of your daily life then you should consult a health care provider.
Chiropractors are highly educated and extensively trained to assess, diagnosis, treat and prevent conditions disorders of the spine, joints, muscle and nervous systems. These disorders may include back pain, neck pain, headaches, referring pain in your arms and legs, etc.
Many patients including, seniors, find that treatment helps them to maintain mobility and good range of motion. Pain should never become a way of life, especially when there is qualified help available.
There are many reasons to seek chiropractic care: Work, accidents, sports injuries, household chores, even the stress of daily living can cause painful joint and spinal problems. Even if you do not have painful symptoms, chiropractic care can help you maintain healthy spine and joint function.
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what are the benefits of chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care can:
Improve movement and function in your neck, shoulders, back, torso and extremities
Improve your posture
Provide relief from headaches, neck and back pain
Help prevent work-related muscle and joint injuries
Improve your flexibility and range of motion
Relieve pregnancy-related backaches
Correct gait and foot problems
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what conditions do chiropractors treat?
Chiropractors are especially well known for their treatment of back pain, neck pain, and headaches. They treat a variety of injuries and disorders of and stemming from the musculoskeletal system involving muscles, ligaments, and joints, along with wide scope of associated conditions as a result of these fundamental structural misalignments. Some of the conditions that may benefit from chiropractic care include and are not limited to:
Infants and Toddlers
Colic, congestion, constipation, crawling/walking issues, difficulty sleeping, frequent tripping, recurring ear infections, reflux, torticollis
Children and Teens
ADHD, allergies, asthma, earaches, sports injuries (acute and repetitive), bed wetting, headaches, migraines, fatigue, back pain, neck pain, sinus issues
Acid reflux, allergies, anxiety, asthma, auto accidents, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, difficulty sleeping, digestive issues, headaches/migraines, herniated/bulging/degenerated & slipped discs, inattention, muscle pain, neck pain, pinched nerve, premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy & postnatal, sciatica, scoliosis, shoulder, knee, hip and wrist pain, stress, whiplash, wellness
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what causes a subluxation?
Common causes of vertebral subluxations can begin with the birth process. Subluxations may also occur from the ordinary stresses and strains of normal, everyday living, even from such simple acts as twisting and turning. Another major cause of major subluxations are falls or injuries. They can also be created by any type of shock that overloads the nervous system’s protective mechanism. Even the unavoidable and ever present downward pull of gravity on the upright body often overcomes body balance and produces poor posture and misalignment of the spinal vertebrae or body joints. Left unattended, subluxations may become chronic and result dysfunction, pain and disability.
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can children have subluxations?
Of course, they have spines too. More and more parents are seeking chiropractic care for their children. Many spinal problems seen in adults began as early as birth. Even natural birthing methods can stress an infant’s spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation caused by spinal and cranial misalignment can be the cause of many newborn health complaints such as, colic, breathing problems, nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions and chronic infections. And although these particular symptoms of neurological distress may fade or disappear as the child matures, if not addressed, other conditions and symptoms may appear as the child matures and grows into adult life.
The most common reason parents will seek out chiropractic health care for their child is because of a trauma or injury. Most parents are unaware that subluxations can be present in their child even before they are able to walk so it usually takes a fall or some traumatic event to spur the parent to seek out chiropractic care for their child. Misalignments may or may not result in immediate pain or symptoms. And because infants are unable to communicate, a chiropractic checkup can locate sites of neurological short circuiting, painful or silent, and make the necessary correction. Early intervention can help avoid many of the health issues and complaints seen later in adults. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health and proper development of a growing child.
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what do subluxations do?
The slightest misalignment of joints, bones or muscles can produce pressure and irritation upon nerves, effecting improper communication of vital nerve impulses to the organs, cells and tissues of the body. The greater the degree of misalignment, leads to a greater possibility that it will affect a nerve, and an increased likelihood that the irritation to the nerve will be severe. The more severe the subluxation and corresponding nerve irritation, the greater the likelihood that higher levels of discomfort, pain and often disabling illness will result. Abnormal function of cells, tissues and organs may result from the ensuing nerve irritation produced by the condition of the vertebral subluxation complex.
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why is having a subluxation not a good thing?
Research has shown that the slightest pressure on a spinal nerve root as it emerges from the spine can reduce the function of that nerve by 60% in a matter of minutes. Through research it was also discovered that by exerting, for a period of one to three hours, the same degree of pressure that chiropractors find in an average patient’s spine, many of the nerve fibers and nerve roots rupture producing toxins which spread into surrounding tissues. When absorbed into the nerves, the toxins will, in time, progressively destroy them.
Everyone knows that a broken neck, broken back, or similar spinal injury can produce pressure on the nerves to the extent that partial or even complete paralysis of parts of the body may result. However, one tends to shrug off the possibility that a subluxation resulting in pressure on those same nerves can be extremely destructive, causing a condition of decreased activity amounting to a slight paralysis, or the reverse, a dangerous increase in activity. For instance, a sluggish liver or gall bladder indicates decreased activity, and an over-active stomach or rapid heartbeat signifies increased activity. Irritated nerves can cause either decreased or increased body function in whatever organs those nerves supply. Organs, tissues and cells cannot maintain their own state of health without guidance from the brain through nerve impulses.
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are all subluxations painful?
No. Subluxations can be quietly present in the body without causing any immediate sign of their existence. Slowly, over time, they can make their presence known through symptoms which we may either ignore or consider a condition that will go away at some point as mysteriously as it arrived. The most common treatment is self-administered ‘over the counter’ drugs to control the discomfort and pain and to force the body to work as normally as possible.
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how do i know if I have a subluxation?
Common indicators of subluxation are: headache, neck stiffness, pain between shoulders, backache, pain in arms, legs or feet, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, or general nervousness. These seven cardinal danger signals of subluxation are the body’s way of warning us that something is amiss. Additional signs of subluxations are:
Your heels wear out unevenly
You can’t take a satisfying deep breath
Your jaw “clicks”
You have to “crack” your neck, back, or other joints a lot
You can’t twist turn your head or hips to either side easily and equally
You are often fatigued
You have poor concentration
You have low resistance to disease
Your foot flares out when walking
One leg appears shorter than the other
You have poor posture
You have headaches, back aches, sore or tender spots in muscles or joints
You have a constant stressful feeling and tension especially in muscles and joints
You feel stiffness in your back and neck
You just don’t feel right, you are in general poor health
If left unaddressed, the symptoms will undoubtedly continue to increase and produce even more severe conditions. If you do not have any of these danger signals or signs, a reassuring chiropractic examination will help you be certain that you don’t have any silent subluxations.
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Only doctors of chiropractic treat subluxations through a specific process of locating short-circuits within the nervous system, diagnosing the findings and then developing an appropriate treatment plan for adjusting the vertebrae, bones and joints into proper position. You may consult any number of other professionals who may treat the symptoms of subluxations, but only a chiropractor will treat the cause of your subluxations. Following examination and diagnosis of your condition, if it is determined that you will require additional professional health care attention, you will be referred for appropriate health care.
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can chiropractic treat or cure ailments other than back pain?
Yes — 96% percent of all chiropractic care has to do with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, which include nerve, joint and muscle problems throughout the body, with a primary focus on the spine. The vertebral subluxation complex is usually the underlying cause of these conditions and research indicates that chiropractic care is the most effective approach to restore proper function and health.
Chiropractic care cannot “cure” every ailment, but there is some evidence to indicate that adjustments may have a beneficial effect on a variety of conditions. For example, someone with asthma may find that they can breathe easier after an adjustment, which is not curing the asthma itself, but can provide some relief from associated symptoms.
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how safe is chiropractic care?
Chiropractic adjustment is safe when it's performed by someone trained and licensed to deliver chiropractic care. Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest, drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of headache, and neck and back pain. It has an excellent safety record. However, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. Even common over-the-counter medicines carry a risk. Most patients experience immediate relief following an adjustment, however, some may experience temporary pain, stiffness or slight swelling. Some patients may also experience temporary dizziness, local numbness, or radiating pain. However, adverse effects associated with spinal adjustment are most often minor and short-lived.
Informed consent Prior to starting treatment, all regulated health professionals are obligated by their regulatory standards to obtain informed consent documented in a written form to treatment from their patients. Health care consumers must receive appropriate and accurate information to assist them in evaluating their health care choices, and in balancing the relative risks of treatment options with the benefits. The chiropractic profession takes this responsibility seriously and has been a leader in obtaining informed consent.
Neck adjustment Almost half of us experience some kind of neck pain at least once a year. Persistent or recurrent neck pain is reported by an estimated 50–85% of patients one to five years after initial onset. Twenty-seven percent of patients seeking chiropractic treatment report neck or cervical problems. Thus, treatment of neck pain is an integral part of chiropractic practice.
There are evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in place for chiropractic treatment of neck pain. For both chronic and acute back pain, the guidelines state that manual therapies, mobilization, and patient exercises and stretches are recommended.
Evidence also demonstrates that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulative therapy, can be an effective treatment for cervicogenic and tension-type headaches. More so, studies have demonstrated that care offered by chiropractors can also decrease the intensity and frequency of migraines. A plan of management should be individualized to the patient’s needs.
Chiropractic has been proven safe and effective for a range of conditions including neck pain. Patients and their chiropractors work together to determine what treatment options appropriately balance risks with potential benefits. Chiropractors work to limit their patients’ risk by performing thorough histories and examinations and frequently re-evaluating symptoms and progress.
The chiropractic adjustment is safer than almost any other form of health care intervention including the taking of an aspirin. The likelihood of a patient experiencing a serious adverse reaction to a chiropractic adjustment is somewhere between 1 in a million and 1 in 5.85 million, signifying an extremely rare event according to current scientific studies.
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does chiropractic care requre a refferal from a medical doctor?
No. Chiropractors are legislated as primary care professionals in every province in Canada. This means that patients can consult them directly. However, chiropractors often work closely with medical doctors, many of whom refer to chiropractors when they believe chiropractic treatment will help alleviate a patient’s condition. Similarly, chiropractors frequently refer to medical doctors when necessary.
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does chiropractic care require x-rays?
X-rays can play a role in diagnosis and are taken when a need has been determined after taking a patient case history and conducting a physical examination. Most patients do not require X-rays. Chiropractors receive 360 hours of education in radiology covering a full range of topics from protection to X-ray interpretation and diagnosis. Governments in every province have recognized the training and competence of chiropractors to take and interpret X-rays and have granted them this right.
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how do I select a chiropractor?
If BFCC isn't accessible to or the right fit for you, consulting one or a few of these methods will easily help you find a great chiropractor in your area:
Friends, family and co-workers
Referrals from other holistic health care practitioners
The chiropractor locator on the Ontario Chiropractic Association's website
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is chiropractic care only for adults?
Chiropractic will help anyone’s health, from newborns to geriatrics. Reducing nerve interference allows the body’s inborn ability to look after its own needs to thrive, regardless of age.
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can i adjust myself?
Habitually twisting the neck or low back to create a ‘pop’ that brings some relief for stiffness or pain actually accelerates osteoarthritic degeneration of the joints involved. The long-term effect of such self-adjustment can progressively become very complicated, harmful or, in some cases, even tragic.
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should I be adjusted if I'm sick?
Generally, a patient will be ill if the neurological communication within the body is not working as well as it should. Chiropractic adjustments are directed to reestablish the neurological communication of the body so, in the majority of cases, an adjustment should be sought to help the body fight off its challenges. However, an adjustment would only be provided following a complete and thorough examination, and only if necessary.
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what research has been done on chiropractic?
There have been numerous government studies and a very high number of independent clinically controlled trials that have produced an abundance of published literature. Chiropractic is evidence based and an abundance of research for low back, neck pain and headaches exists. All of the research that has been done has validated the efficacy of chiropractic care for neuromusculoskeletal conditions.
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is it true that once you start chiropractic care you have to contiue for the rest of your life?
No. Chiropractic care, like any form of health care, is optional and within the ability of the patient to stop or continue at any point. Conditions that are chronic and long-standing may require some long-term supportive care, but that would be a choice a patient could make in consultation with their chiropractor.
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why won't my medical doctor refer me to a chiropractic doctor?
This problem is becoming more and more rare as scientific and research support for the effectiveness of chiropractic care appears. Patient centered care encourages a co-operative relationship between all professions and this is increasingly the experience that patients are encountering. Patients should remember they do not need a referral to meet a medical doctor or a chiropractic doctor, and therefore are free to pursue their own health care choices.
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can chiropractic help painful bone spurs?
Bone spurs are a complication of osteoarthritis, an accompanying condition to the majority of neuromusculoskeletal problems that chiropractors see. By restoring flexibility and mobility to spinal and bodily joints, the irritating effects of osteoarthritis can be reduced.
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are there any risks in seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy?
Chiropractic offices have special equipment that will ensure the comfort and safety of both the mother and baby during examination and treatment. If there are nerve irritations and pressures present within the expectant mother, their removal will enhance the health of mother and fetus, as well as ease labor and delivery.
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can a person who has had spine or back surgery see a chiropractor?
Yes, in most instances the problem that caused the need for surgery may still be an issue for the patient and only the symptomatic condition would have been surgically addressed. The cause of the problem may still be active within the patient and could be addressed by a chiropractor.
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how expensive is chiropractic care?
Quality of life is key to understanding the perspective of cost. Those who have experienced long-term care and the chiropractic lifestyle recognise that chiropractic care doesn’t cost, it pays! A study done in 1996 showed 87% of long-time chiropractic patients considered their health as excellent, took less medications, and experienced less chronic conditions associated with ageing. Think of chiropractic as an RRSP for your body…it may cost a bit now, but the payoff is immeasurable.
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I have a good reason not to see a chiropractor, don't I?
Many people feel they’re “too old”, “it’s my genes”, “I’ve been told I have to live with it”, “the specialist said nothing can be done”, are “already seeing a physiotherapist” or “going for massages regularly”. Truthfully, only a chiropractor can tell you how chiropractic can help you improve your health, and only a chiropractor can do what a chiropractor does. No other professional can determine whether you need chiropractic care or not, nor ease a problem that is resolve by chiropractic techniques in another fashion. You wouldn’t ask your plumber how to fix your car, or get someone who details the exterior to work on the engine. If you want to understand and benefit from chiropractic, talk with a chiropractic doctor and seek out their care for chiropractic-related issues.
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Is there a scientific basis to chiropractic?
Yes. The nervous system and its relationship with the spine is the focus of the practice of chiropractic. When the vertebrae of the spine become misaligned through trauma or repetitive injury, the range of motion becomes limited, and spinal nerves are compromised leading to dysfunction, pain and disability, and consequently, a decrease in the quality of life. A chiropractor endeavors to restore normal nerve expression.
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should I visit a medical doctor before i make an appointment?
According to the Center for Studies in Health Policy, “The DC [doctor of chiropractic] can provide all three levels of primary care interventions and therefore is a primary care provider, as are MDs. The doctor of chiropractic is a gatekeeper to the health care system and an independent practitioner who provides primary care services. The DC’s office is a direct access portal of entry to the full scope of service.”
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Are chiropractors well educated?
The chiropractic academic program is four years in duration, and the hours are equivalent to medical school programs. Chiropractic students focus on studying the body and gaining a comprehensive knowledge of all body systems with heavy emphasis upon the nerve, muscle and bone systems. Chiropractors are primary health care practitioners and require no referral to access their health care services.
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how can i stay healthy?
By eliminating nerve interference, chiropractic care can not only correct numerous health problems, but also be preventive, enabling the body to maintain its natural, inborn resistance to illness and disease. For continuing good health, the best answer is preventive health care.
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how healthy do i need to be?
The essential lifestyle pillars that contribute to a foundation for health are:
restoring and maintaining a healthy nervous system
proper nutrition
adequate exercise
sufficient rest
a positive attitude
These components together will create the conditions that will enable you to fulfill your human potential, and where it may lead you. The health of your nerve system and its ability to successfully guide your life is fundamental to your being all you can be in this life.
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do you or your team offer nutrition or other medical advice?
While the nature of chiropractic overlaps with other areas of homeopathic and with allopathic healthcare spectrums especially (and vice versa) — Dr. Gorchynski provides focused health advice related to advanced chiropractic techniques, caring for the body structurally, naturally, and can easily speak to optimal methods for wellness and disease prevention therein.
Stephanie Gorchynski, also a member of the BFCC team — is a registered holistic nutritionist (RHN) as well as a leadership & life-mastery mentor (HLC) — and would be happy to address any nutrition-related questions and offer tailored advice and support through her holistic counselling and coaching services.
Additionally, we have compiled a list of complementary health practitioners and resources, along with our frequently-published blog covering the latest in helpful health trends and holistic wellness tips, to assist you in maximizing your chiropractic care results and achieving your lifestyle needs and goals alike.
Should you not be able to find what you’re looking for on our site, we’d be more than happy to help you through email or at your next visit to our clinic.
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what are those popping sounds?
The American Chiropractic Association explains, "Adjustment (or manipulation) of a joint may result in the release of a gas bubble between the joints, which makes a popping sound. The same thing occurs when you “crack” your knuckles. The noise is caused by the change of pressure within the joint, which results in gas bubbles being released. There is usually minimal, if any, discomfort involved."
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how many ontarians use chiropractic?
Chiropractic is one of the largest primary care professions in Ontario, with more than 3,100 practicing chiropractors. Almost 2.7 million Ontarians use the services of a chiropractor each year to help them get back to work, and back to doing the things they love.
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how many people see chiropractors in canada?
As many as 60% of Canadians have seen a chiropractor in their lives, while approximately four and a half million Canadians seek the services of chiropractors each year and that number continues to climb. More Canadians are choosing to utilize chiropractic care as a component of their personal health care programs.
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are there many atheletes who use chiropractic care?
Yes. Many amateur and professional athletes use chiropractic treatment as part of their overall health care, fitness and maintenance program. Chiropractic is often used to improve muscle and joint conditioning, which has a direct effect on an athletic performance. Treatment works to improve biomechanical function and enhance overall conditioning, important in situations where there is continuous repetitive movement. Chiropractic care also help athletes fine-tune their muscles and joints for high level performance, and may reduce long term wear and tear. Finally, treatment can be used to prevent, and sometime shorten, the healing time of injuries.
Athletes most often select treatment to improve their performance, where as the average consumer will select chiropractic care to help manage aches and pains. In some cases treatment will be similar, but in all cases a treatment plan will be developed according to the goals and condition of each patient. In the case of professional and elite athletes, chiropractors often work in conjunction with other health care professionals, including medical doctors and/or sports medicine doctors, massage therapists and physiotherapists.
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i just started and feel a bit worse than i did before. does that mean chiropractic can't work for me?
No, not at all. A reaction after an initial adjustment pertains to the body’s release of the trauma it’s holding on to — most often patients experience relief from the aches, pains and issues they are dealing with, but sometimes there are negative reactions — also known as a healing crisis. When the body is encouraged and resolved to a state where it is finally able to release the trauma and pain that it’s been holding on to, mild and minor symptoms may arise that, while unwanted, do indicate healing is underway. Temporary in nature — usually only pertaining to the initial period of the first few adjustments — the primary recommendation is not to cease care, as these new symptoms are actually a good sign of progress and body responsivity. We encourage you to reach out to our Team for support and solutions should you experience a healing crisis once beginning your care.